Hi everyone,
Just a quick reminder to all you lovelies to get your nails booked in as soon as possible. Kirsty is FULLY booked for the Christmas week but Sarah still has some appointments left. Be quick, they will get booked up!
So, after much demand from my regular Pink Ladies, I have had the beautiful CND Shellac Blackpool delivered. Jet black nails seem to be highly requested and I always aim to keep my clients happy. I decided, for the first time in my life, to do my own nails Shellac Blackpool yesterday. I have a charity black tie ball on Saturday and my dress (colour is top secret as my hubby wants to see me as a surprise on the night) is bright to say the least. Black nails will be a perfect compliment to it. Soooooo excited to get dressed up, it'll be just like my wedding day again :-) Added to Blackpool, I've also got Shellac Midnight Swim (dark blue) which is equally gorgeous.
Right, I'm off to wrap Christmas presents.....I hope to surface before the weekend!!!!
I was let down at the last minute by a local nail technician and called Pinkies. Kirsty changed her day to accomodate us and we now have THE MOST AMAZING NAILS! I realise now that I should certainly do more research in future. Pinkies really are the best, thank goodness I googled you! My nails look perfect for my wedding tomorrow.
Claire xxx