Hi everyone,
As the leading mobile nail technician within the Solihull area it is my duty to go 'undercover' and get my own nails done at various places that offer Shellac from time to time. This month I have been utterly gob smacked to discover not only cheap treatments that didn't last but also FAKE!
My cheap treatment first.
At a bargain price of £15 I had a Shellac manicure in Wildfire (red). The preparation was shoddy, and the application of the Shellac was thick. This Shellac manicure lasted me 6 days! The 'service' I received has left me concerned that other people, unknowingly, think that Shellac isn't all its cracked up to be. Thankfully, Pinkies has been the number one searched for mobile service in Solihull for the past two years for one good reason. We only offer THE best service and only use REAL Shellac! I removed my awful looking Shellac after a week. It had chipped, lifted and all in all, was a complete waste of money.
My second 'treat' to myself saw my nails subjected to the FAKE Shellac, I chose Wildfire again. This product called Blue Sky. Its in the same bottles, offers the same colours and is applied in the same way. This is only available from Ebay (to my knowledge) and non of the beauty warehouses stock it. Why? Its cheap, FAKE and does not offer anything like the Shellac finish. It took me 45 minutes to remove it after a week of wearing it and that involved buffing my nails until they hurt. Shellac is never removed in this way. Pinkies can remove Shellac within 10 minutes with a non evasive procedure that leaves your nails un-damaged! This disaster cost me £10 and sore nails to boot that thankfully have recovered!
Worryingly ladies, the two separate technicians that provided me with this service are based within the Solihull area!
The moral of the story is....you get what you pay for. Cheap prices generally offers a cheap service. Pinkies, as a business, is now coming up to its 4th birthday for a reason. We are the best, we are qualified, we are insured....simply...WE ARE THE BEST MOBILE NAIL SERVICE THERE IS!
Until next time..
I was let down at the last minute by a local nail technician and called Pinkies. Kirsty changed her day to accomodate us and we now have THE MOST AMAZING NAILS! I realise now that I should certainly do more research in future. Pinkies really are the best, thank goodness I googled you! My nails look perfect for my wedding tomorrow.
Claire xxx