Hi everyone,
I am now back from my holiday and back to reality. The weather wasn't the best Spain had to offer but it was most definitely a welcome break. Natasha was extremely busy and did a great job looking after Pinkies for me. I am as ever, grateful to Tash for her continued contribution and hard work.
Its straight back into work for me (no rest for the wicked). As always mentioned in my blogs, Shellac Manicure enquiries are definately my main enquiry and recommendation. Don't forget ladies, Shellac can also be applied to your toes and can last 10 weeks....my toes are proof!! Natasha also offers pedicures so if your feet fancy a pamper then give Pinkies a call.
Until next time
Kirsty x
I was let down at the last minute by a local nail technician and called Pinkies. Kirsty changed her day to accomodate us and we now have THE MOST AMAZING NAILS! I realise now that I should certainly do more research in future. Pinkies really are the best, thank goodness I googled you! My nails look perfect for my wedding tomorrow.
Claire xxx