Hi everyone,
Alarm bells rang for me yesterday when I visited a new client who wanted shellac. As my insurance doesn't cover me to remove products not applied by me, she had to remove her shellac herself. When I saw her nails, added to the fact that it took her nearly two hours to remove it, it was quite apparent that she was the victim of the shellac fake, Blue Sky! I won't name the establishment but I will be taking measures to report them to Trading Standards next week. This poor ladies nails had flaked so badly at the tips, her red sore skin was cracked and sore. Shellac will only ever take 15 minutes max to remove, for me, it takes about 8-10 minutes. Products like this give Shellac a bad name, branding it the same as acrylic! I assure you, IT'S NOT! Please be aware that Shellac does not need to be drilled off and can only be used by qualified and insured technicians. The Shellac supplier in Leeds require proof of both of these before you are allowed to purchase their products. Copy cats are available on auction sites but the risk is, they could be fake!
Bridal fever has started. Lots of excited young girls asking for colour advice and availability. It seems the trend for the colour scheme has gone back to the dark colours. Black being the favourite. I'd recommend red nails to compliment such a dark colour. Whatever happened to the bright fun colours we used to see in wedding pictures? How times change :-) I have had confirmed bookings for bridal parties in October this year so it seems forward planning is the key. Unlike myself, I was so laid back I forgot to get a cake and didn't even have a hair trial! Everything just fell into place, thankfully it was a perfect day in the Scottish Highlands :-)
Paula is back from Spain to a very busy diary. I think she will be needing another holiday soon. I'm off on the 1st May for a week in the sun with my husband and I can't wait. Paula will be on hand manning the phone so don't worry ladies, it's all covered.
Three new Shellac colours this week. Lobster Pot, Bikini Pink and Grape Gum. All lovely summer colours for your holidays.
Until next time x
I was let down at the last minute by a local nail technician and called Pinkies. Kirsty changed her day to accomodate us and we now have THE MOST AMAZING NAILS! I realise now that I should certainly do more research in future. Pinkies really are the best, thank goodness I googled you! My nails look perfect for my wedding tomorrow.
Claire xxx