Hi everyone,
It seems a while since I blogged but I have been so busy with Pinkies and BerryBlue as well as personal things.
Well the great news is, Pinkies has all the new Shellac colours and they are lush. Adding to the other fab colours we have a mushroom brown colour, a beautiful deep aubergine and a very pale grey. As usual, they have been a huge hit with everyone.
As April approaches my diary has started filling up with bridal parties and I will also be starting my countdown to my summer holiday in Florida. Although its not until July it's great to count down the weeks. We had such a fantastic time four years ago it was a unanimous decision to go again. This time we are joined by my big brother and nephew :-)
So, it's going to be a busy few months for Pinkies so keep an eye on my offers here and also across at BerryBlue.....there may well be some kind of pamper that you fancy.
Until next time
I was let down at the last minute by a local nail technician and called Pinkies. Kirsty changed her day to accomodate us and we now have THE MOST AMAZING NAILS! I realise now that I should certainly do more research in future. Pinkies really are the best, thank goodness I googled you! My nails look perfect for my wedding tomorrow.
Claire xxx