Hi everyone,
What is happening with this weather? I loathe snow! Not only because I have to drive in it daily to visit you lovely ladies but it's cold and so un-necessary.
What's new? I have recently bought another shellac manicure colour that pretty much changes the colour of all the shellac colours I have. It's called Moonlight & Roses. It's a beautiful irredescent tone that can change a matt grey to a beautiful metallic graphite. It's a must try.
I am still busy despite the obvious signs of this recession we keep being reminded of. I am fortunate that my hard earned reputation, competitive prices and mobile service added to the fabulous Shellac Manicures are keeping my head above water :-)
This month also see's my birthday and a well earned trip up north to The Lakes with my husband....I can't wait :-)
Until next time
I was let down at the last minute by a local nail technician and called Pinkies. Kirsty changed her day to accomodate us and we now have THE MOST AMAZING NAILS! I realise now that I should certainly do more research in future. Pinkies really are the best, thank goodness I googled you! My nails look perfect for my wedding tomorrow.
Claire xxx