Yes I know its been a very long time since I last blogged, apologies. Its been a busy couple of months work wise with new clients and new ventures.
I shall once again be up till midnight tomorrow waiting eagerly for the NEW Shellac colour's to be released for sale. It also just been announced that there will be NEW Lecente chroming powders too! These have been a massive success for Pinkies with clients old and new. Acrylics are also huge business now. Application is key and new clients can see that there is very minimal damage with the process that Pinkies uses. With a growing acrylic clientele, I'm becoming quite fond of the treatment I once hated doing. Keep an eye on my Facebook page for the updates, I know some people follow it religiously for news. I do now keep it more on a business level purely to keep my personal business private :-)))
Pinkies 8th birthday is fast approaching, that's another successful year in business as a one man band! Its flown by and I've learn't so much in that time. Thank you to each and every Pink Lady that's used my service over this time, You ladies put me here!
So in a nutshell. I plan on being around for another 8 years doing a job I love with a passion and seeing ladies that have become my life long friends. Pinkies Gel Nails certainly is something to be very, very proud of.
I was let down at the last minute by a local nail technician and called Pinkies. Kirsty changed her day to accomodate us and we now have THE MOST AMAZING NAILS! I realise now that I should certainly do more research in future. Pinkies really are the best, thank goodness I googled you! My nails look perfect for my wedding tomorrow.
Claire xxx