Hi everyone,
January is nearly behind us. Thank heavens I hear you say! Its been a great time for me to catch up with friends and house hold jobs. I generally enjoy a quiet month after the Christmas madness so my batteries will be fully charged and ready to take on 2014!
For Pinkies there have been a few more bridal parties booked in for this year. Ive also had three Pinkies ladies return to me from my early days. With two babies arriving this year and two 'Pinkies' weddings, its going to be a very exciting time. Gosh, you Pink Ladies have been busy!!
The new Shellac colours seem to be popular. Its amazing how the seasons reflect the Shellac colours that people choose. Shellac Wildfire (red) is the most popular followed closely by Shellac Fedora (dark brown) I hope CND Shellac bring out some release some nice colours this year....its been a little too much of the same last year!
Personally, Im returning to college this year to do a diploma in Interior Design. My decision was inspired by a Pinkies client who is moving house this year and revamping a converted barn. I love interior design and she has asked me to help her design and decorate her new property. Its a fantastic chance to build a portfolio while I study, and hands on experience is priceless. With a proposed house move for me too, I can't wait to get behind a sewing machine, don my decoration clothes and scavenge around reclamation yards! I won't EVER give up my Pinkies work but with Paula's growing client base with all the new business for Shellac manicures and Calgel, I plan to do the interior design work in the spare hours that I'm not shellacing :-)
Im also hoping that Marie Curie recruit their volunteers this year too. I know there have been a few teething problems. Fingers crossed I'll get a call soon.
Until next time xx
I was let down at the last minute by a local nail technician and called Pinkies. Kirsty changed her day to accomodate us and we now have THE MOST AMAZING NAILS! I realise now that I should certainly do more research in future. Pinkies really are the best, thank goodness I googled you! My nails look perfect for my wedding tomorrow.
Claire xxx